Wednesday, December 31, 2008

2008: do not look in the rearview mirror

What a mess. So let me get the good news out of the way;
Yes I am satisfied with the way the elections worked out. [1]
I am interested to see how everything will play out.

Cool Points to Grand Rapidians!
I was in a department store on Christmas Eve;[2] for the first time
in recent memory. Fellow shoppers behaved themselves admirably.
It was reasonably quiet, no out of control children, no harried Moms,
everyone waited patiently and was polite. But best of all . . .

There were no guerrilla shoppers! I did not hear one chirping cell phone
the whole time I was in the store! Thank You.

The weather has been frightful, 'Nuff said.[3]

Personally this has been the fifth holiday season in a row in which
someone close to me has passed away. This year my boss; Pastor Barb Pekich
passed away on December 29.

To the Universe in General:
Please Louise can we have a break?
One year without a funeral or sickbed. Thanks ever-so-much.

To all my fam and friends wherever you are;

Season's Greetings & Happy Everything!

1 do not try to figure out how I voted, see previous post in November.
2 I vowed to avoid holiday shopping six years ago and broke my rule this year
3 My heat went out Sunday before Christmas and we are waiting on those pesky parts
even as we speak