Friday, September 29, 2006

Conversations with the World: Achievable Goals

I was sitting waiting for a colleague this morning. To pass time, I always click the main link on one of my social networking tools to see what's going on out there in the rest of the world. I came across the above-linked article on goal setting. Since I have had some difficulty balancing competing number one priorities lately, I decided to check the article.

I must say I was pleasantly surprised. This article capsulized a class I took on focusing your academic pursuits to match your career path. A pre-entrance class that I found very helpful. I have lamented the loss of that career path program at school because I found myself wanting to talk to the Prof a couple of times in the last three years. Then just like serendipity, shazaaam here is this great article with feedback from other human beings just like me. Enjoy!
Happy weekend.
WBF 8)