Saturday, September 17, 2011

John Doe - review

Rating starRating starRating starRating starRating star Premise of "Pretender", disorientation of "Lost"
If you liked "Pretender" and "Lost" you might want to check out "John Doe" on Hulu.  Below is my series review after the last episode.

The John Doe character attributes are not unlike the character attributes of Jarod from "Pretender". The storylines had the same disorienting effect of "Lost" minus the weird factor. I think the producers bailed on this show too early as some other reviewers have noted.

However, I cannot help thinking the character of Digger was cast exactly in the role we were lead to believe he played, relative to John Doe. It is entirely possible his role in the last episode was rescuer for the Theresa character and only seems to be an anti-hero because we see him doing something unexplained in the last scene. If you recall, the last time we see John and Digger interacting is fairly early on in this episode and his role was that of safe harbor for John Doe, just as he had always been.

One thing I have learned regarding the shows Hulu is able to contract is; if they are not popular re-runs many people already like, expect a disappointing end. Expect the producers or writers to have gotten a much better offer as was the case with the writers of "Wildfire" who went on to write "Greek" for ABC. At least when "Greek" was over, the writers had an opportunity to write a satisfying conclusion at the logical place in the storyline.

I would give "John Doe" four stars if it were still in production. As it stands, the show will get my standard three stars; I supported it but due to the abrupt end, it was just ok.